Tuesday 28 August 2012

End of Summer

It's been a wonderful few weeks at Follies.  At the beginning of July on a beautiful summer's evening,  the good & glamorous of Norwich were out in full force on Bridewell Alley to enjoy the opening of the exhibition of Behind the Boosh at Flint next door & enjoy a few glasses of Follies Fizz in celebration of our first birthday. 

We also had the Norwich Lanes Arts Trail with the wonderful Lucy Loveheart exhibiting her work here at Follies.  Lucy is a local artist and her work sits well within a Follies setting.  Her work will be on view until the beginning of September and there are prints available to buy too. 

Here is her most recent piece, titled 'Midsummer's Night Follies', the original is on view in our window and limited edition prints are available.

Follies is looking really lovely, with the courtyard open and all the beautiful vintage & eclectic stock on show.  It's been wonderful to be able to put some of our things for sale outside without too much fear of rain.  The Rosa Bloom bloomers & sequin leggings have looked amazing, sparkling in the sunshine. It's also been lovely to enjoy the wonderful chalk art that was kindly done for us by Georgie Matthews, chalk & graphic artist.

As we head towards the end of the summer holidays we're offering a 10% discount off of all our vintage stock until the end of August.  Pop in & pick up something pretty for yourself or as a gift.  We'd love to see you.

Love Follies x

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