Friday 12 October 2012

Thank Follies it's Friday!

Everybody loves a Friday and here at Follies we appreciate how tricky it can sometimes be to make it to the end of the working week.  This time of year seems to be harder than others ~ the weather is so changeable, we can have a sudden frosty morning when its so hard to drag yourself out of bed, and then another morning gives us a bright warm start to the day that you find yourself standing in front of your wardrobe for far too much time trying to fathom what to wear on these crazy autumn days!

It's all about the layers & comfort for your body and the same goes for your home, showing it a little love & getting it ready for some snuggling down. Fill the corners with pretty lighting, even take out the Christmas lights a little early ~ nothing better than having  an impromptu dance around the living room with a pretty glass twinkling in your hand. Get those corners of the sofa ready, with a few lovely blankets & cushions, and start layering up your home with comfort.

Start collecting a mixed up range of vintage glassware for a warming tipple or two & a well earned Friday night cocktail.

Sundays this time of year are perfect for lazy mornings enjoying tea & toast in bed ~ make sure you have some pretty mismatched china to enjoy it from, if you're going to spill crumbs in the bed, do it in style. There's still a few blackberries in the hedgerows, so after a hearty walk, there's nothing like enjoying a homemade pie ~ we have some beautiful serving plates & delightful pressed glassware to pour a custard, a cream, a dream.

To help you get your home stocked up Autumn style ~ Follies is offering 10% off all it's vintageware today.

Happy friday everyone x

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